City of Fosite Walled Fortress in North Sea About 5 Miles East of Heligoland at 30 Foot Depth Discovered by Jurgen Spanuth


Submerged in the North Sea since circa 1400 b. c., down in about thirty feet of water about 5 miles to the east of the island of Heligoland (28 miles north of Husum, Germany), are the ruins of a walled city, an oval shaped walled-city about 3,000 feet by 1,000 feet across, stone structures within, discovered by German pastor Jurgen Spanuth about 70 years ago, what is called according to local legend the city of Fosite who most likely was Posidon. The intrepid Spanuth theorized that it’s the city of Atlantis (city of Posidon or Atlas) described by Plato, not realizing that the empire of Atlantis was a coastal empire which extended inside the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) as well as outside. Have a look, “Atlantis of the North!”