Mike Lindell Introduces OurPillow In Effort To Appeal To Socialists Reports The Babylon Bee It’s Fake News to Trust
Also at The Bee: Scientists Predict Humans Will Simply Be Giant Rolling Balls Of Masks by 2024
Also at The Bee: Scientists Predict Humans Will Simply Be Giant Rolling Balls Of Masks by 2024
Ham’s son Cush who “brought kingship back down from heaven to Kish (after the Flood)” helped his son Nimrod mastermind and build the Tower of Babel, central government to the max, a tyranny, but then […]
The CDC’s having illegally changed the reporting standards for the wuhan virus has failed to change the fact that only about 30,000 Americans have died of the wuhan, less than the 50,000 to 80,000 who […]
The Democrats on Capitol Hill want a bailout of the deeply indebted blue states instead of providing $2,000 to each laid-off worker, which tells us that they aren’t interested in you rather in propping up […]
For what other reason than wanting rigged elections for global socialism are some Americans happy that there’s been no full audit of the 2020 presidential election?
The Sumerian Kings List indicates the pre Flood kings lived ridiculously longer durations of time than did the long lives of the ten pre Flood kings listed in the Bible, because apparently a Sumerian scribe […]
Did CNN’s irascible Jim Acosta know that his apparent cheek reduction would make him look similar to George Clooney or did he just luck into that?
You may recall that president Trump was winning Pennsylvania by a wide margin on election night until the fraud shenanigans began early in the morning by cyber scamming and ballot stuffing, Trump’s huge lead before […]
Weren’t the few in the U. S. who suspected election fraud after the 2016 presidential laughed-off for lack of evidence yet today the hundred million plus suspecting election fraud in the 2020 are being laughed-off […]
Imagine former president Trump giving a speech from West Pam Beach televised to the world (at least on NewsMax, OAN, and RSBN!) expressing the sentiment of probably billions around the world that the 2020 U. […]
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