When Wadi al Rummah Big River for 750 Miles to Shatt al Arab Valley Arabian Peninsula Had Thousands of Lakes


What today is called Wadi al Rummah (or Batin) was a big river originating near Medina of western Arabia which flowed for 750 miles northeast to where today is the northern end of the Persian Gulf, back then the valley of the great Shatt al Arab river, during the Ice Age, when thousands of lakes dotted all of the Arabian peninsula except where today is the Rub al Kali desert, yet on its far west end in the shadow of the coastal mountains during the Ice Age was the Al Magar Civilization, horse breeders (see the 300 pound sculpture of a horse with bridle) and hunters of much wild game, and fish from a stream where was a waterfall, now a parched desert. In the east of the Arabian peninsula during the Ice Age in the highlands there (in the copper-rich Hajar mountains) of the Musandam peninsula (helping form the Strait of Hormuz) was a rich civilization of metal working hunters and farmers, when there too was an abundance of wild game and grain to harvest, when the progeny of Joktan settled that region as well.