Teresh of Sea Peoples from Tarsus When Others to What Remained of Atlantis Then Named Tarshish or Tartessos


During the Ice Age, the land of Tarshish (a grandson of Japheth) at the far northeastern corner of the Mediterranean was surely a power there in the shadow of the mineral rich Taurus mountains (named for a grandson of Gomer named Tauris) at the mouth of the Tarsus river, where submerged ruins could be discovered. When the Ice Age ended, some of the population sailed west to the land left after the end of the Ice Age in the shadow of the mineral-rich Sierra Morena mountain range of southern Spain, when that region became known as Tartessos rather than Atlantis. Others who departed the old land Tarsus were among the Sea Peoples who invaded Egypt, the Teresh, when the old land was becoming known as Cilicia for a son of Agenor the phoenician named Cilix.