Dad Tells Kids Santa Would Prefer Beer And Cigars Over Milk And Cookies This Year Reports The Babylon Bee
Also at The Bee: . . . . . . . Canadian Life Alert Just Euthanizes You When You Push The Button
Also at The Bee: . . . . . . . Canadian Life Alert Just Euthanizes You When You Push The Button
Under the premise that all Americans who question the integrity of our elections (for very good reasons) are “threats to democracy” do the FBI and the DHS instruct Big Tech platforms about which prominent constitutional […]
The rationale used by the FBI to gather data about the everyday citizens who back Trump or oppose the sad clot shots is that those everyday citizens are parroting foreign influencers (Russia! Russia! Russia!), willing […]
To put a point on the Deep State aligned against president Trump in its commands to social media companies to ban or hinder Trump and his backers, imagine that the Deep State was doing his […]
The wokesters wreaking havoc on the nuclear family say that it’s the child’s choice what gender to be, so would parents both wearing dresses and high heels have any bearing on the child’s choice?
Considering the fact that more “vaccinated” people die of Covid than do refuseniks, the notion that 3,000,000 American lives have been saved by the clot shots (“vaccines”) is clearly absurd, on top of the facts […]
The CNN hosts this morning announced the newborn of the show’s producer, they said it’s a boy, yet how can they know since it will be the child’s decision what gender he(?) should be called?
If president Trump had been declared the winner of the 2020 election, the U. S. wouldn’t be allowing-in millions of illegal aliens per year, so that Fox News which aided and abetted the 2020 steal […]
Since Trump was the supposed primary instigator of the notion that the voting machines were rigged for the 2020 presidential election, and considering Mike Lindell and NewsMax are (supposedly) being sued for propagating that notion, […]
Almost all of the rare-earth minerals for electric vehicles are mined in Africa and Malaysia by slave labor, so considering 10x the number of EV’s need be on the road “to save the planet,” from […]
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