Tauodenni Salt Basin of Mali Valuable as Gold to Traders When Ice Age Had Ended Previously Lake of Green Sahara


Terhazza noted by Herodotus was the big source of life-sustaining salt in the middle of the western Sahara, worth its weight in gold to traders, that place now called Taghazza near the Tauodenni salt basin, anciently a huge endorheic lake during the Ice Age when the Sahara was verdant. Six hundred miles to the west of Terhazza on the Atlantic coast was Cerne, a trading port during the iron age (after the Ice Age) where according to Diodorus Siculus, the Amazons (who had come from desiccated Lake Tritonis) defeated the Atlantioi and later the Gorgons (female warriors like themselves). Noteworthy certainly is that Diodorus Siculus called them Atlantioi, because they were, those who remained in the region after the Ice Age had ended. (Now see Page at right Mystery Atlantis Unmasked.)