Goofy Climate-Change Fraudster Michael E. Mann Says Sea Level Rising Yet Reports Warmer SST’s for More Rainfall


Notorious climate-data manipulator Michael E. Mann, now plying his fraudulence at the University of Pennsylvania (lots of funny business happening there these days!), today on Andrea Mitchell Reports (remember how Rush imitated her nasally voice?), said that “global warming” is causing warmer sea surface temperatures for more evaporation for more clouds bringing more rain (like in California), and that the sea level is (“still”) rising, the former a true statement, the latter a lie, as not only can sunlight cause the ocean to become warmer, also subsea volcanism which naturally he did not discuss. That the sea level is not rising (shore erosion and local displacements by earthquakes are not sea level rising) helps prove the hydrologic cycle is stable (assuming increased subsea volcanism won’t cause another Ice Age!); that Mann character is a real loon, plumb daffy, a tool of The Great Reset.