This Shmita Year of Jubilee Ends Sundown Sept. 25th When Feast of Trumpets Begins Two Days so No One Knows Day Nor Hour


The Shmita year which occurs every seven years is the ancient Hebrew year of Jubilee when the fields were allowed to go fallow to rejuvenate, the previous Shmita year (on the Jewish calendar) in modern times 2014/2015, the current Shmita year which will end at sundown on Sept. 25th when by providence the Feast of Trumpets begins, a two day festival when many born agains think the Rapture will occur, as that “no man knows the day nor the hour” leaves open the possibility of knowing the year. Should the Rapture not occur at that time, it doesn’t mean it won’t happen, so true born agains looking forward to His return to save them out of the Tribulation period would not give up that hope, just a longer wait.