The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ Says All of Israel Will Be Saved at End of Tribulation Period Meaning Spiritual Israel


Just as many Israelites never embraced the Spirit of The Word in Old Testament times, many will not have done so by the time of the seven year Tribulation Period soon coming (probably after the war prophesied in Ezekiel 38/39 when the demonic Antichrist will arise); the Israelis born again before the Tribulation vanished in the Rapture, the Israelis born again during the Tribulation Period who will retreat to Petra in southwestern Jordan when the Antichrist will declare himself God (halfway through the Period), when those born agains will retreat by instruction in The Word, the others, the unsaved, who will be tracked down by forces of the Antichrist to force the Mark of the Beast on them, when many of those Israelis will resist to become “Tribulation Saints” after hearing the preaching of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists in those days, soon to come, now be saved, for no one is guaranteed tomorrow.