Roseanne Barr Didn’t Know Valerie Jarrett Black She Does Look Iranian so Slander of Them by Planet of the Apes Reference?


When Roseanne Barr made her Planet of the Apes reference in lampooning Barack Obama’s loyal sidekick Valerie Jarrett, she (Barr) says that at the time she didn’t know the Iranian or Arabian looking Jarrett is black, who is about as black as Obama, both of bi-“racial” parents; and when you think about it, Jarrett does look similar to an ape but only as much as Mitch McConnell is “The Turtle”. Thus the uproar for the cancellation of Roseanne was deemed merited by only those who actually think that monkeys (or “some missing link”) in Africa evolved to become human. Also, her Planet of the Apes reference connotes a group acting as tyrants against another, symbolic of the tyranny which socialism brings.