Ice Age Metropolis Saffara Western Oman Administrative Center Kingdom of Ubar Pillars of Iram Other Side of Qara Mts


Soon after American documentary filmmaker Nicholas Clapp in 1992 discovered the ruins of the city called the Pillars of Iram (with fortress walls and towers), the “Atlantis of the Sands,” he discovered the ruins of an even bigger city named Sapphara (Sophar on one of Ptolemy’s maps) on the other side of the Qara mountains (nearer the ocean) from the Pillars of Iram which was the outlet to the north and west across the Empty Quarter (verdant during the Ice Age) for the transport of much valued frankincense to Mesopotamia, the Levant, and Egypt, those trade routes which apparently continued using camels until the days of Ptolemy in the 2nd century a. d., from the Kingdom of Ubar named for Heber.