Etymology Word Alley Meaning Pathway From Alaise France Named for Javan’s Son Elisha Spawned Eleusinian Mysteries


The word alley is from the ancient French word alee for passageway, a corridor, a pathway, speaking of the pathways of the radial lines, 24 of them separated by precisely 15 degrees from the next, which emanate from Alaise (eastern France) as documented by Xavier Guichard indicating ancient knowledge of measuring longitude accurately to have drawn those radial lines stretching hundreds miles. Alaise was named probably for Elisha, a son of Javan (Ion) and grandson of Japheth (Iapetus), for whom were named towns along the “ley lines” from Alaise, and towns in ancient Greece, of the Hellenes (progeny of Hellen or Hellas the biblical Elisha), for whom too was named the Eleusinian Mysteries.