Darwin’s Pal John Lubbock Schemed Paleolithic to Neolithic Later Given Supposed Credibility by C14 Dates


When Charles Darwin was bringing his zany theory to the world, his buddy in “the X Club,” John Lubbock, helped try to make his theory seem legitimate by positing “the Paleolithic era followed by the Neolithic era,” the theory that crude stone tool making “evolved” to crafted stone tool making, as if humans were incapable of making crafted stone tools for tens of thousands of years! In the 1940’s, carbon 14 dating (invented by William F. Libby) came into vogue to help try to lend legitimacy to the darwinian scheme, but many of the more ancient carbon 14 dates are greatly exaggerated because during the Ice Age and a few centuries following, volcanism was rampant, which belched much carbon 12 into the atmosphere, skewing the C14/C12 ratios upon which that dating method is predicated.