When Ice Age Ended Outflow of Lake Michigan the Illinois River to Mississippi Copper of UP Shipped to Poverty Point


The Phoenicians (named for Agenor’s son Phoenix) circa 1300 b. c. began shipping copper from pit mines of the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan and Isle Royale down to the Illinois River which until probably around 500 b. c. outflowed from the southern end of Lake Michigan and on to the Mississippi River where the copper was shipped downstream to the amazing earthworks city now called Poverty Point (northeastern Louisiana) where the copper was smelted into sixty pound (one talent) oxhide ingots (named that because the ingots looked like an ox hide pulled at the corners) which were then shipped to the Gulf of Mexico and on back to the Mediterranean. The Waubansee Stone discovered where was outflow of the Illinois from Lake Michigan (where today is Chicago) is a monolith depicting the Canaanite god Moloch for the Tophet ceremony, human sacrifice to “bless” the voyagers.