Will Cain Notes 15% Increase of All-Cause Deaths Insurance Companies Taking Huge Losses & Funeral Business Booming


This morning on Fox & Friends, cohost Will Cain ventured into forbidden ground (as Pfizer is a huge advertiser on Fox News) when he noted that all-cause deaths in the U. S. are up about 15%, insurance companies taking huge losses, and the funeral home business booming, that we need answers (though without mentioning that this phenomenon has happened since the rollout of the mRNA “vaccines”). Cohost Rachel Campos-Duffy then changed the subject, pretending that she wasn’t, in saying we need to know what China knows about this, as if it’s the virus causing the excessive all-cause deaths, as if the “vaccine” has nothing to do with it (yet the spike in deaths has occurred since the rollout in early 2021).