Huge Megalithic Complex on 1,500 Acres Discovered Near Tharsis Huelva Spain in Shadow of Mineral Rich Sierra Morena


When the Ice Age ended, descendants of Japheth’s grandson Tarshish sailed from the region of Tarsus (at the northeastern corner of the Mediterranean Sea perhaps chased out by the Canaanite Cilix that region then called Cilicia) to Spain were they (with Atlanteans who remained) founded the civilization called Tartessos centered at Tharsis (near Huelva), where recently was discovered a vast megalithic complex of stone circles, standing stones, and menhirs, the site called La Torre-La Janera, seemingly a field of all the megalithic stylings of the Atlanteans, to where later mineral exploiters were sent by king Solomon to such as Cerro Solomon, with Phoenicians who had been named for Cilix’s brother Phoenix.