Hellenes Taught Earth Measure Geometry by Ice Age Pelasgians Who Sailed Even to Andes Proving Global Navigation


Did you know that exactly 5 Greek stadia of 600 Olympic feet each compose the base perimeter length of the Great Pyramid of Giza which is exactly half a nautical mile thus that the Greek word geometry meaning earth measure reflects that likely Pelasgians had taught the Hellenes and Ionians the method to measure the earth by its axial precession rate of 72 years/degree? The so-called Pelasgian Finger unit of measure (.6 of the 12.16 inch Olympic foot) was used for the precise designs of the most ancient and beautifully well-fitted megalithic constructions of Greece, Italy, and across the Atlantic in the Andes, also a subdivision of the radius length of the earth (see Page titled Great Pyramid for Navigation).