Submergie Pioneers Nic Fleming D. H. Childress & Graham Hancock Made Topic Famous But Since Then Subject Taboo


Alternative archaeology authors David Hatcher Childress and Graham Hancock had great success bringing to light the many submerged ruins found in many parts of the world (particularly in the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic), having piggy-backed on the great work of Nic Flemming (who scuba dove at many of the sites), their work which made the world come alive with thoughts of “wow such megalithic building 10,000 years ago” (the timeframe commonly advertised for the end of the Ice Age), yet it became apparent to the uniformitarians who dominate science that those submerged ruins are of “bronze age” vintage (sometimes megalithic), thus the topic of submerged ruins officially and unofficially made taboo, for the ruins help prove that the Ice Age ended actually circa 1500 b. c.