Priests at Sais Told Greek Solon Four Kings of Cecropia Who Lived in Days of Atlantis’s Demise When Much of Greece Flooded Too


Biblephobc scholars overlook the glaring fact that Plato wrote about the flooding of Atlantis (and much of Greece) having been in the days of Greek kings known to have lived in the 1400 b. c. timeframe, kings Cecrops, Erechtheus, Erysichthon, and Theseus; and those scholars overlook the fact that Atlantis was a “Bronze Age” civilization of global navigators (by geo-metry that’s earth-measure), thereby overlooking the rational conclusion that Plato’s story comports with the Ice Age ended actually circa 1500 b. c., as Plato wrote actually that Atlantis was 9,000 lunar cycles (horas) before Solon’s day, not 9,000 years.