Far East Sinim to Bless Messiah Progeny of Canaan’s Son Sin of Sinai Moon God Sin of Assyrians to Sinkiang Patriarchal King


In Isaiah 49: 12 is prophesied that nations will come to acknowledge the Messiah from the far North, from the far West, and from the land of the Sinim, which is China (Sino) far to the East (and the Sinai a short way to the south), those progeny of Canaan having gone into where is called China beginning where today is called Sinkiang which probably means Sin the king, that word for the royal leader king Japhetic brought probably by the Miautso tribe, descendants of Japheth’s son Gomer. The jade trade sacred to the Chinese anciently and present began in Sinkiang, from the rivers which still flow into the Takla Makan basin from the west-to-east trending Kunlun Mountains, that basin verdant in Sin’s day.