Four Rivers Flowed From Fountainhead Sourced by Subterranean Water Displaced Over 1,600 Years Caused Noah’s Flood?


The four rivers (Gihon, Pishon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates) which flowed out of the Garden of Eden were sourced from one fountainhead and presumably were the big rivers of pre-Flood Pangea (the Garden of Eden probably near the center of Pangea), when no rain fell (just mist), thus those four big rivers tapped subterranean water, the sole source of the rivers’ waters, for the roughly 1,650 years for the pre-Flood world, a prodigious amount of subterranean water displaced which could have caused crustal instability to have been a factor in the causation of Noah’s Flood along with meteorites from the exploded planet between Mars and Jupiter where is the asteroid belt (the remnants of that explosion). See Page titled Natural Selection by Noah’s Flood to understand the dynamics of the Flood.