Tangier Island in Chesapeake Bay Inshore High Ground on Potomac During Ice Age Its Erosion Now Not Climate Change


A much ballyhooed example that the sea level is supposedly rising gradually because of “man-made global warming” is Tangier Island in Chesapeake Bay which is now about one-third the size that it was a hundred years ago, yet during the Ice Age twas a high ground near the Potomac (when the sea level was a few hundred feet lower), after the Ice Age become an island of low relief probably much larger than it was a hundred years ago, because erosion (by rain, wind, and waves) not sea level rise has diminished and is diminishing that island, after all, if the sea level is rising shouldn’t that be noticed in D. C. on the lower Potomac in the tidal zone and the towns not on islands along Chesapeake Bay?