Brian Kilmeade Says Pelosi & Biden Access Wuhan Therapeutics Then Rachel Campos Duffy Offers Ivermectin is Awesome


This morning on Fox & Friends, talking about Nancy Pelosi’s wuhan infection and maybe Joe Biden’s soon too (after Pelosi kissed on him), weekday host Brian Kilmeade appearing as a guest mentioned that Pelosi and Biden have access to therapeutics such as monoclonal antibodies and paxlovid which are difficult for ordinary citizens to obtain, but then Rachel Campos Duffy chimed-in as a true patriot noting that her husband Sean Duffy took Ivermectin after testing wuhan positive and the virus went away “in about three hours” while Rachel did not and so suffered wuhan down-time for eight days. Interestingly, when Rachel began speaking about Ivermectin, Kilmeade in the Brady Bunch panel of talking heads, side-eyed to somebody off camera as if asking “who told her she can say that?”