Submerged Ruins in Pacific Prove Global Ice Age Navigation Megaliths Off Ryukyus Carolines & Marquesas Former Hiva Land


That there are submerged ruins off islands of the Pacific prove that during the Ice Age ancients were sailing across that great ocean, beginning with ruins off the Ryukyu Islands of Japan, then eastward to the Caroline Islands where are the submerged stone ruins of Khanimweiso off Nahkapw island near the magnificent ruins of Nan Madol (of Temwen island) which were built when the Ice Age had ended, and surely more submerged ruins to be discovered eastward off the Marquesas Islands which were the high country of Hiva land (some of the islands including Hiva in their names) during the Ice Age, from where Hotu Matu’a led megalithic builders to the southeast to Rapa Nui also known as Easter Island, yet the RongoRongo script symbols of Easter Island much resembling those of the Indus Valley Civilization!