Bronze Tools Needed for Fitted Polygonal Cyclopean Walls Using Pelasgian Finger Metric on Both Sides of Atlantic


Unless you want to believe that bronze was being made about 8,000 years before the commonly accepted date of circa 2000 b. c. and transatlantic navigation that far back too then the fact that the precisely fitted polygonal megaliths which need have been sculpted using bronze tools on both sides of the Atlantic (for instance at Mycenae, Tiryns, Alatri, Cosa, and across the Atlantic in South America at Cuzco, Ollantaytambo, and Pisac) which were measured for perfect fit by the Pelasgian Finger unit of measure (0.6 modern inches) proves that transoceanic navigation (by geometry) was ongoing in the 2000 b. c. timeframe and onward for at least a millennium.