Progeny of Shem’s Son Aram Settled Along Kopet Dag East of Caspian’s Southern Tip Ice Age Bactria Margiana Complex


The Herat (Hari rud) river of Afghanistan flows north and west from the Hindu Kush mountains (another river there the Kushk) for 700 miles then disappears into the sands of the Karakum desert of southern Turkmenistan, during the Ice Age that region verdant where what’s called the Bactria (Balkh) Margiana (Murgab) Archaeological Complex (BMAC) flourished, cities along the Kopet Dag mountains eastward past the Herat to Balk near the Hindu Kush. At the Caspian Sea’s southern tip is Golestan, named for Aram’s son Hul, and son Gather (GatharAnau) near the mouth of the Herat, and Mashhad northeastern Iran for Mash, further eastward where son Uz settled (Uzbekistan), all verdant during the Ice Age.