Indo European Language Brought to Indus Valley by Progeny of Japheth’s Son Madai Via Balochi of Prosperous Sistan Basin


During the Ice Age (which followed Noah’s Flood), where today at the mouth of the Helmand river is the endorheic Sistan Basin of far southwestern Afghanistan and far southeastern Iran, verdant during the Ice Age, was settled by progeny of Japheth’s son Madai (Balochi language) and progeny of Shem’s son Elam, at sites such as Shahr i Sokhta, Mundigak (Kandahar), and Bampur, the language of the progeny of Madai which became the Sanskrit language of the Indus Valley Civilization, and the Elamite language which became known as Dravidian when speakers of it moved to south India as the Ice Age was ending.