Smartmatic President Biden Should Be Proviso for His Title Better Than Illegitimate That’s Much Too Harsh
It’s considered rude to call a president illegitimate, so let’s call him Smartmatic President Biden.
It’s considered rude to call a president illegitimate, so let’s call him Smartmatic President Biden.
Inexplicably, establishment shill Stephanie Ruhle did some honest reporting today, that the Capitol police on Wednesday were helping the invaders of the Capitol building find their way around, after other Capitol police have been video’d […]
Out of an enthusiastic crowd of many hundreds of thousands (if not over a million) in D. C. seeking election integrity, wouldn’t a thinking (and patriotic) person assume that hundreds if not thousands of overzealous […]
Unless you think president Trump might start a war out of sour grapes over his election “loss,” there’s no reason to want him removed with only 12 days to go in office other than great […]
As long as crooked elections such as the recent presidential one (which Trump won by a large amount) are allowed in the U. S., enabled by spineless Republican and Democrat legislators, about 100 million Americans […]
Why are the Democrats and RINO’s refusing to embrace a thorough audit of the election? Of course it’s widespread orchestrated voter fraud, otherwise, they would encourage the auditing!
Just the sight of the Fox News personalities now makes millions of conservatives sick just looking at them, angrily channel surfing away, it’s the Murdoch Bros having succeeded in making both Democrats and Republicans hate […]
President Trump now on Parler could be his first step to compete against and bury Twitter should Smartmatic Joe become president, and perchance Trump enters his second term, what a great bully pulpit for the […]
Why do you suppose the Democrats and RINO’s are enthusiastic about impeaching Trump or better yet removing him from office by the 25th Amendment with only two weeks to go in his term? Obviously they […]
If Trump hasn’t joined Parler, he certainly should, uncensored, the leftists’ greatest nightmare.
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