Abraham’s Birthplace the Plain of Shem’s Son Aram South of Anti-Taurus Upper Mesopotamia Contested by Assyrians


According to many, Abraham was born in Ur in the land of Sumer (Kushitic during the Ice Age) of lower Mesopotamia (yet the Persian Gulf was dry land with the Shatt al Arab running through it), but Ur of the Chaldees where Abraham was born was Urfa of upper Mesopotamia, named for Abraham’s ancestor Arphaxad (a son of Shem). Abraham said that the place of his birth was Paddan Aram, the plain of Aram who was a son of Shem, the Hebrews and Arameans having lived together quite peacefully for several hundred years while the Assyrians (progeny of Shem’s son Asshur) to the east always a threat.