Phoenix Brought Phonics Including Letter Pey to Aegean Where Ionians Renamed It Pi Using Egyptian Sign for Akhet the Pylon


Apparently the ancient Ionians (progeny of Japheth’s son Javan) during the Ice Age were so impressed with the bekhenet of Egypt which were the gateways between two towers leading into Old Kingdom Egyptian temples that they (the Ionians) called them pylons meaning gateways and used the Egyptian sign for the akhet (where the sun rises between two mountains) as their symbol for the letter p, what millennia later begun called the pi sign in geometry (short for perypheraia). When Phoenix (a brother of Cadmus and Europa) brought the alphabet (phonics) to the Aegean while the Ice Age was ending, it was the Canaanite (Phoenician letter pronounced pay (and shaped like our p), but the Ionians preferring the sign of the gateway of the bekhenet of Egypt, where the sunlight passes in.