Kyrgyz Kazakh & Altai Languages Central Asia Mutually Intelligible Turkic Tongues Progeny of Japheth’s Grandson Togarmah


Whom later became known to the world as Turks for Togarmah’s son Turqi spread after the Tower of Babel west-northwest to become known as Hungarians (for Togarmah’s son Ungari) and Bulgarians (for Togarmah’s son Bulgar), as well as northward to become known as the Khazars (Kazakhstan) named for Togarmah’s son Khazar, and the Altay which is from the Turkish word for gold of the Altai mountains of southern-central Russia, to the east the Uighurs named for Togarmah’s son Ujur who were also known as the Tocharians, and even far to the northeast to Siberia named for Togarmah’s son Sabir.