Steve Kirsch Offers $1 Million Reward to Anyone to Prove 212,000 in U. S. Haven’t Died of Shots & 2,000,000 Painful Injuries


Computer mouse inventor Steve Kirsch has offered a $1 million payout to anyone who can prove that 212,000 Americans have not died by damage done by the scary mRNA injections and that 2,000,000 Americans are not suffering debilitatingly painful injuries thanks to the injections. Kirsch no doubt put his thresholds low (to not have to payout) because the reportage of adverse reactions and deaths by the mRNA injections to the VAERS system may be underreported by a factor of as much as 41x while though a Harvard University study shows that for the many vaccines through the past decades the damages are underreported by 10x, the truth for the mRNA “vaccines” probably somewhere in the middle.