Chuck Todd Says If It’s Sunday It’s Meet the Press Except Today Local News Oddly Shown On NBC Instead
NBC scrubbed Meet the Press today, the TDS sidelining Chuck Todd and all substitute hosts?
NBC scrubbed Meet the Press today, the TDS sidelining Chuck Todd and all substitute hosts?
Kids in the public schools aren’t taught the origin of geometry, geo-metry, earth measure (see Page titled Great Pyramid for Navigation), because it would allow them to see that the ancients, even during the Ice […]
Now that most Americas really do consider the establishment media merely purveyors of Fake News (bent left), they may watch the establishment news while though just taking it with a grain of salt, so president […]
When/if Joe Rogan endorses president Trump, probably millions of his fans will throw their support Trump’s way, which is a good possibility considering Rogan says he’s moving to Texas, not to the socialist disasters in […]
A real eye-opener is the documentary film Contraland, you can see it on YouTube, showing the inner workings of the pedophilia criminal world, a huge problem in the U. S. being confronted by president Trump […]
You know it’s a scare-hoax when the TDS suffering pandemic experts don’t even talk about how many Americans have been infected by the wuhan thus far (120,000,000?) and so how many have developed antibodies while […]
Only a very few hospitals in the U. S. are overloaded with wuhan patients, so “the curve” has been flattened since April, and the number of deaths per day is 1/3rd of what its was […]
If you wear around Black Lives Matter gear, most people assume you’re a Marxist revolutionary, really not a good look for any person of any color.
Backed into a corner now, Nancy Pelosi is so desperate to see universal mail-in balloting that she’s including it in the fourth wuhan relief package legislation being formulated in Congress, so the Senate should write […]
If you haven’t checked-out the twitter feed @TONYxTWO, you should, for instance today noting that Chuck Woolery’s son tested positive for the wuhan, yet upon testing by a private doctor discovered it was a false […]
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