Dr. Scott Gottlieb Says 26 Million in U. S. Have Been Infected by Wuhan Virus But He Didn’t Say How That Calculated


Yesterday on MSNBC, former FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb was the first establishment media type to estimate the number of people in the U. S. who have been infected by the wuhan virus, he says about 26,000,000 Americans, that number apparently based on the CDC having said the mortality rate by the wuhan is 0.26% and the reported death toll at about 100,000, yet the actual number of dead by the wuhan could be half the number being reported (how many deaths were actually by the influenza virus or co-morbidities?), so in that case would Gottlieb say only about 13,000,000 have been infected while though perhaps that many have been infected in New York and New Jersey alone?