Biden’s New Podcast Available Exclusively on Vinyl Reports The Babylon Bee It’s Fake News You Can Trust
The Babylon Bee is always a good place for a few laughs in these trying times.
The Babylon Bee is always a good place for a few laughs in these trying times.
Tonight (Monday) on Hannity’s show, Mike Huckabee offered a strategy for the Democrats to get rid of Joe Biden, just tell him that was a great eight years as president; time to go home.
Tonight (Monday) on CNN with Chris Cuomo, his brother Andrew went a step further than his recent statement that he is not thinking about entering the Democrats’ race for the presidency by saying also that […]
Wuhan virus testing early in its spread in the U. S. could have helped stem it by tracing back to the earliest carriers, isolating perhaps all of them, but that was months ago, so all […]
This morning Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis announced a stay-at-home directive for four counties of southeastern Florida until mid May, but several hours later, he changed the directive to mid April, which must have been because […]
President Xi of China surely is well aware of the prophecy in the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ concerning the destruction of the army of the “kings of the east” numbering 200,000,000 who […]
Today at the White House wuhan press briefing, vice president Mike Pence said that well over a million wuhan virus tests have been conducted in the U. S., about a- hundred-sixty-thousand tested positive, so that […]
Today on cackling Nicole Wallace’s MSNBC show Deadline White House, her guest the TDS-ravaged Steve Schmidt said that the number of deaths of Americans by the wuhan virus is approaching the number of Americans killed […]
Doesn’t Dr. Leana Wen, all over establishment TV about the wuhan supposed crisis, seem exactly like a shill for the communist Chinese, complete with her anti-Trump rhetoric and doomsday prognosticating? Can’t you see her on […]
Proving that Dr. Deborah Birx is an establishment shill complicit in the wuhan virus scare-hoax is her statement this morning on the Today Show that the worst is yet to come because the number of […]
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