Republicans Don’t Deny Russia Meddled by Social Media But Don’t Confuse Ukrainian Owned CrowdStrike’s Role


Ukraine’s leadership did not become an ally of president Trump until Zelensky was voted president, saying he wants to drain the Swamp in Ukraine like Trump is doing in the U. S., so only now is Ukraine in position to investigate Ukrainian owned CrowdStrike, the firm which (rather than the FBI) carried out the forensics on the “hacked” DNC computer in 2016. The establishment media types are now saying that president Trump and most other Republicans don’t believe Russia meddled in the 2016 election, which is false, they do believe Russia meddled (social media), but they also believe that Ukraine (pre Zelensky) meddled too, yet the Democrats “see nuthink” like Sergeant Schultz on Hogan’s Heroes.