Despite an Ark Full of About 50,000 Animals Pent-Up Obedient Noah Knew Plan to Survive Into New World Cleansed


Elohim decided to wash the earth by Noah’s Flood, that a new world would emerge from the water (see Page at right Natural Selection by Noah’s Flood), so despite having tended the animals for long months on end, seemingly no end in sight, Noah knew the plan, that relief would soon come, which it did a year after the Flood began. Only about 50,000 animals were taken onto Noah’s Ark, two (male and female) of each ‘unclean” kind (syngameon), and seven of each clean kind, thus although it was a large number of creatures, they were fully managed in that huge vessel which landed on Ararat as the continents rose while the new ocean basins sank, when Pangea had separated to the current continental configuration.