Half of Southern Border Patrol Hispanics Wanting Border Security Fence so Not Really Hispanics Just Uncle Toms?
Do Chuck and Nancy know that the border patrol union supporting president Trump is 50% Hispanic?
Do Chuck and Nancy know that the border patrol union supporting president Trump is 50% Hispanic?
Wouldn’t it be great for Poc Warren on the campaign trail to greet the crowd like an Indian would, perhaps with a drumbeat rhythmically chanting “hi how are ya hi how are ya?”
Politics is a rough game, no place for pansies, so the Democrats now facing a fighter in Trump are getting a taste of their own medicine while most of the Country rejoices.
Nancy Pelosi isn’t satisfied with $28 billion in foreign aid, she wants $40 billion, so the Republicans should ask her why she wants to spend all that money for other countries while not wanting protection […]
More and more adults with children (often not their own) are arriving at the U. S. southern border, it truly is an emergency which the Democrats love while Trump is doing the right thing protecting […]
Hesiod circa 750 b. c. wrote about the titan Atlas, “at the far west edge of the earth,” so at circa 350 b. c. when Plato wrote the Dialogues with Critias and Timaeus about Atlantis, […]
Beleaguered Nancy Pelosi really blew-it when she requested $40 billion in foreign aid in the budget, which is $12 billion more than requested by president Trump, so all the Republicans need to do is publicize […]
Nancy Pelosi has probably considered that if she doesn’t bend to president Trump’s wishes for the border security fence, then the president will declare a national state of emergency in order to complete the fence […]
Thanks to president Trump’s agenda, middle and low income people saw gains of a few hundred dollars per month because of the tax cuts, and wages are rising about 3% per year, plus the low […]
Be sure to ask your ancient history professor whether he/she thinks the five Aegean (“Athenian”) kings who Plato said lived in the timeframe that Atlantis (and much of Greece) went under were over 9,000 years […]
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