Desperate John King of CNN Says Recounts Never Change Things so Republicans Should Just Ride-with-It
If it’s true that ballot recounts never change the results of elections, then why don’t the Democrats in Florida just throw-in-the-towel?
If it’s true that ballot recounts never change the results of elections, then why don’t the Democrats in Florida just throw-in-the-towel?
Election supervisor Brenda Snipes and her crew prevented Republican party officials from witnessing much of the vote-counting after election day in Broward county, and the Republican officials probably don’t even know how many were counted […]
The saddest part of the Broward county ballot fiasco is that most of the voters there continued electing Brenda Snipes though knowing she’s a fraudster, their votes their stamps of approval.
Rightly the question is being raised why didn’t Rick Scott can Brenda Snipes when several years ago it was known she’s a fraudster, the reason somewhat obviously that she’s black, so Scott should throw that […]
Who doubts that the stock markets are roiled by the threat of the Democrats in the House to hassle Trump at every turn, preeminently that they’ll begin investigations into this and that, anything they can […]
By tweet this morning, president Trump said that the state of Florida should go with the election day results because many ballots after election day appeared out of nowhere, and many gone missing, many forged […]
When the establishment talking heads, badly bent to the left, talk about the Florida vote disputes ongoing, they look quite ill, knowing the gig is up, yet they still are saying that there is no […]
When Dan Crenshaw shook the hand of Pete Davidson to end their SNL spot, wouldn’t it have been epic had the powerful Crenshaw crushed the scrawny thespian’s hand? All kidding aside, it was a wonderful […]
Since nationalist is a dirty word to the Democrats and some Republicans, ask them what are they? The answers will be interesting, maybe such as “pragmatic globalist” or “patriotic internationalist,” of course few saying plain […]
President Clinton often bent to the will of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives after the Democrats’ crushing losses in the 1994 midterms (when the Republicans achieved majorities in both houses of Congress […]
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