The NRA is Union of 2nd Amendment Advocates as Labor Unions Advocate for Higher Wages Larger Membership
Just like labor unions, the NRA is a special interest group of grassroots support, so if you condemn the NRA, you condemn labor unions.
Just like labor unions, the NRA is a special interest group of grassroots support, so if you condemn the NRA, you condemn labor unions.
Know that one is a false believer, such as Vladimir Putin, when that one willfully participates as an enemy of Israel, prophesied for instance in Ezekiel 38 & 39 against Russia.
Jesus seeks those who are tired of the old life, mired in unforgiven sin, guilt ridden or angry that life isn’t turning-out great, wanting a better way which will provide hope and purpose on this […]
President Trump is proposing to do away with those bump-stocks which cause semi-automatic rifles to operate like machine guns, his proposal seemingly in violation of the spirit of the 2nd Amendment, that people be able […]
It’s a mystery why most will have rejected Jesus Christ at the Judgment, doomed to the Lake of Fire forever, having rejected the free gift of salvation, apparently thinking the Word is a lie or […]
The logic of darwinism is being used in French schools to rationalize the supposed rightness of open borders, particularly for Africans, because all humans evolved out of Africa they say, yet assuming darwinism is true […]
Truly born again people know that the Good News is to be preached to the Jew first then to the Gentile, this pattern begun in Jerusalem in the years following Jesus Christ’s resurrection when those […]
Barack Obama may have won two presidential elections, but he lost twice trying to meddle in two other elections, having tried to oust Benjamin Netanyahu by paid political activism in Israel in 2015, and in […]
Michael Flynn appears to be contesting his indictment because judge Emmit Sullivan has instructed Robert Mueller to turnover all the exculpatory evidence for Flynn, the judge too now apparently questioning the legitimacy of the indictment, […]
Almost everyone will be curious to read the new book out by David Brody and Scott Lamb about president Trump’s belief in the Word, The Faith of Donald Trump, which the president likes and has […]
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