Explain Scarlet Thread Through Tapestry of Biblical History Beginning by Sacrifice for Adam & Eve Later Prophesied Messiah


Elohim prophesied to Adam & Eve, after they had fallen, that through the seed of the woman the Savior (Jesus Christ) would come to crush the head of Satan (the deceiver of humanity), the Savior (the Lamb of Elohim) presaged by the animal killed by Elohim for its skin to cover Adam and Eve (ashamed in their nakedness), which was the beginning of ceremonial animal sacrifice ended by the righteous when Jesus had given Himself to die and then resurrect to save all who will embrace Him. This simple message is essential for children (and many adults) to learn the message of the Word, which is a lover letter to those saved or soon to be, and a curse to those who will not bow the knee to their Creator providing them conscience. Obviously old earth creationism does not jibe with this “scarlet thread” through biblical history, because according to them death entered the world a billion years or so previously.