Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter Could Have Been Educational in Ancient Geometry & Atlantis But for Professional Jealousy


In 2007, five years before Ken Ham started the Ark Encounter project, he was apprised of the ancient method for geometry (earth measure) by its axial precession rate of 72 years/degree, but Ham unwisely decided that reasoning is foolish, so he selected the Nippur cubit length (20.4 modern inches) instead for the planning of the ostensibly full-size rendition of the Ark, eschewing the fact that the Egyptian royal cubit’s length (20.632 modern inches) is a subdivision of the radius length of the earth, also the cubit length for the platform of Solomon’s Temple (see the work of Leen Ritmeyer). The solution to the Atlantis mystery was also to presented to Ham, not embraced also to the Ark Encounter’s detriment.