Peleset or Philistines Built Pelusium on Farthest Eastern Distributary of Nile the Pelusaic Went Dry as Ice Age Ended


The iron age Mediterranean port city of Pelusium at the mouth of the now dry Pelusaic distributary of the Nile was built by the “Peleset” circa 1200 b. c., the same timeframe that the Philistines moved into the Levant up the coast where today is the Gaza Strip, when the Ice Age had recently ended, so there could indeed be submerged ruins off the coast at Pelusium built during the Ice Age, when the Pelusaic distributary flowed wide and deep, which turned to dust by the time of Alexander the Great, a thousand years after the Ice Age had ended. The Canopic distributary of the Nile, at the other end, the western, of the Nile delta, also began to go dry when the Ice Age ended, where are submerged ruins from the Ice Age days, now found on the seafloor in Aboukir Bay, not far from Alexandria.