Napoleon Bonaparte Mandated Metric System for Commerce & Distance Measure Now Rees-Mogg Wants Imperial


Britain’s majority Conservative party leader Jacob Rees-Mogg has instructed government employees to use Imperial British measure not the Metric system whenever practicable in communications as part of the move to separate (Brexit) from the EU which uses the Metric system foisted on Europe by Napoleon over two hundred years ago, the kilometer an arbitrary 1/40,000th of the circumference length of the earth, while the Imperial mile originally was the nautical mile when the foot length was 12.16 modern inches, one nautical mile 1/21,960th of circumference, the basis of our nautical mile mapping system (see Page at right Great Pyramid for Navigation), so will Jacob Rees-Mogg go all the way and change the foot to 12.16 modern inches, based on geometry meaning earth measure?