Uzbek in Uzbekistani Legend First Settled Land Between Amu Darya & Syr Darya Rivers in Kingdom of Uz Son of Aram


From Uzbekistan is the legend that the Creator gave out allotments of land in the beginning, and that Uzbek let the others go take their portion, Uzbek waiting patiently for his allotment, but when his time came, the legend says that the only land left was for the Creator himself, yet gave that land to Uzbek instead because of his (Uzbek’s) kindness and patience as the story goes, which actually bears-out what the Table of Nations (Genesis 10) and modern archaeology indicate, that the sons of Shem’s son Aram who were Hul, Gether, Mash, and Uz settled respectively Golestan (southern Caspian), Gathar (southern Turkmenistan), Mashhabad (northeastern Iran), and last Uz in Uzbekistan.