Richard Freund’s Submerged Atlantis in Donana Marsh Turned Out Not That But Memorial Canal Cities Hit the Point


Jewish professor Richard Freund of Hartford University knew that Solomon’s mining interests in southern Spain (Sierra Morena mountains) had to do with what had been part Atlantis, hypothesizing that some circular and rectangular forms in the marshes of Donana Park at the coast are of the city of Atlantis, but that turned out not so, if anything manmade only iron age (of the time of Solomon and Tartessos) done in by subsidence. Freund deduced that the ring canal systems of ancient Jaen and Los Millares memorialized the city of Atlantis, yet dated in the 2000 b. c. timeframe, they probably were contemporaneous with the real city of Atlantis, submerged probably about thirty miles south of Cadiz.