Horoscope Hour of Birth in Relation to Positions of Stellar Bodies Astronomy Divorced Astrology in 14th Century


In the Word, astrology is condemned, it hand-in-glove anciently with physical astronomy, mysticism with hard science. Astronomy seems to have divorced from astrology in the 14th century when horoscopes were begun in vogue, horo meaning hour, and scope, observance, in relationship to the positions of the stars at the time of birth. That astrology was married anciently to astronomy is revealed for example in that the mysticism of the hindu yugas of time, denominated in the base 6 number of years, 432,000 years, that number settled upon because of the ancient method of geometry (meaning earth measure) having utilized the precession rate of the earth’s axis, 72 years/degree, and the “houses” of the zodiac, their durations 2,160 years. (See Page at right Great Pyramid for Navigation.)