Egyptian Priests to Solon Related Number of Time Periods Horas Back to Demise of Atlantis Taught by Indo Europeans


Hora is the greek word for time period, as in horoscope, of the same etymology as the word year, hour too, so the egyptian priests at Sais having told Solon circa 600 b. c. that Atlantis and much of Greece were consumed by the sea nine thousand “years”previously meant a time period yes, but the lunar time period, the Ice Age having ended actually circa 1500 b. c. The Taressians of iron age Spain at Tartessos (progeny of Japheth’s grandson Tarshish), who had come from the kingdom of Tarsus of the eastern Med when the Ice Age ended, were apparently the ones who apprised the Egyptians of the Atlantis tale, the egyptian priests apparently who made months into years, considering the bronze age described of Atlantis was certainly not 9600 b. c.!