Greatly Exaggerated Ancient Carbon 14 Dates Because of Volcanism During & After Ice Age Not Factored in Equation


Uniformitarians say the Ice Age ended between circa 12000 b. c. and 8000 b. c., yet the evidence indicates that the melting of the ice age snowpacks (sometimes two miles deep) occurred within a century or two, when volcanism increased due to isostatic readjustment of the earth’s crust for more carbon dioxide belched into the atmosphere by volcanoes. But because the uniformitarians’ timeline of human history is so vague before circa 2000 b. c., the carbon 14 dates from that time are more-often-than-not exaggerated because of much greater carbon 12 from the carbon dioxide belched into the atmosphere, that excess carbon dioxide by volcanism though not factored at all by the uniformitarians, yet if they would try to factor it, where would that volcanism have been during their four thousand years for the time of the end of the Ice Age? Volcanism actually was greater all during the Ice Age, the nine hundred years or so following the Ice Age, much volcanism during a century or so following Noah’s Flood because the earth’s crust was settling down after the catastrophe, and circa 1500 b c. when the Ice Age began to end, the several centuries in between when the volcanism was still greater than today.