Biblical Job’s Land Named for Aram’s Son Uz Who Migrated Furthest Eastward to Fergana Valley Later of Silk Road


Noah’s grandson Aram, after the Tower of Babel, moved to upper Mesopotamia, and from there his sons moved eastward, during the Ice Age, to Golestan (southern Caspian region) his son Hul, to Gathar (also know as Anau or Gonur in southern Turkmenistan) son Gather, to Mashabad (eastern Iran) son Mash, and to Uzbekistan Aram’s son Uz, the land where Job prospered and suffered, perhaps having shepherded up the Fergana valley, its upper reach almost a thousand years later where became the southern route (for trade not mass migrations of people) of the Silk Road over Irkeshtan Pass (9,400 foot elevation), during Job’s time blocked year ’round by the ice age snowpack (until circa 1400 b. c.)